BRAC University Ranking-2019, Are you looking to know what is the rank of BRAC University in Bangladesh or world ranking? Here you got the update information about the this University.

Everybody knows that BRAC University is the top ranked University in Bangladesh. The University has quality education system and high quality student facility at now. There are very competition for admission in here.

Brac University Bangladesh Ranking

You know that WEBOMETRICS Ranking is the most popular and trusted world University ranking Organization in the world. According to webometrics the BRAC University Ranking is 14th of 147 Universities and Medical Colleges in Bangladesh.
Brac University Bangladesh Ranking
Brac University Bangladesh Ranking by Webometrics

Brac University Ranking in Asia

According to QS University Rankings: Asia 2018 the BRAC University's position is "=228" it is the best position between the other Bangladeshi private University in 2018.
Brac University Ranking in Asia
Brac University Ranking in Asia 2018 by QS University Ranking

According to QS University Rankings: Asia 2019 the BRAC University's position is "301-350" it is also the best position between the other Bangladeshi private University in 2019.
Brac University Ranking in Asia 2019
Brac University Ranking in Asia 2019 by QS University Ranking
If you compeers the BRAC University ranking in Asia 2018 between 2019 you can see that the position of the University moving down. Howeve we can see that BRAC University is the top ranked private University in Bangladesh.
According to

Brac University World Ranking

BRAC University is the top ranked private University in Bangladesh. It has effective academic departments and good campus life.